Discover, Disrupt and Deliver using the most passionate, professional collaborators in the car world.


Based on your WHY, help you do crazy stuff and tell people about it.


New ideas and breakthrough content excite drivers about cars. We love cars and are passionate about creating the best ideas and content in the world that disrupt the status quo.


IDEAS+CARS is an un-agency – it is a group of passionate, professional collaborators that have delivered exceptional IDEAS in the CAR world over many years for many people. DC is the founder who has 41 years of experience in the car world. The collaborators all share his views on how to deliver content and ideas and how to work with our partners. IDEAS+CARS believe we are pretty good at strategy, brand building, gaming, motorsport, content and activation. Have a look at our approach and stuff we have done and are doing.


Famously Sun Tzu said “strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat”.

IDEAS+CARS agree with the great man.

Our love for Simon Sinek’s theory on putting your WHY first is also obvious. Getting immersed into your business and having a fresh look at your challenges and opportunities excite us more than sticking a V8 in a Mini. Well almost.


The future is here. Gaming is bigger than Hollywood and it might just save motorsport. IDEAS+CARS were in at the ground floor of this ‘overnight’ phenomenon but there is so much more to come.

E-Sport is now one of the biggest sports in the world and IDEAS+CARS are ideally placed to show you how to break into this world.

We have industry leading knowledge, experience and contacts for the gaming world and can help you identify the best way to engage with this massive opportunity.


Content is Jack, Queen AND King. But content for contents sake is not enough. It needs to have a big Idea behind it – to grab the attention of the distracted audience.

It also has to be linked to your WHY? Content is not just films. It’s pictures, infographics, GIF’s, model cars – in fact EVERYTHING.

IDEAS+CARS will make you a relevant, connected, awesome content that will have a wider plan to get it to the right audience.


Our HOW? Is to “do crazy shit and tell people about it”. Activation is the ‘telling them’ part and we are masters at it.

We might come up with your WHY, your strategy and a big idea and then you might want your events, content or social media agency to activate it for you.

No drama. But IDEAS+CARS could also activate it for you. Our collaborators in design, content production and event delivery will provide a seamless service to you. And we’ll deliver it with common sense and uncommon effort.


“Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room”. So says Jeff Bezos, Founder of Amazon.

If you are not trying to build your brand in motorsport what are you trying to do?

Whether you are a sponsor, car brand, driver or service provider, IDEAS+CARS collaborators use their experience in the boring bit (brand building) to do the exciting stuff (motorsport) properly.


At IDEAS+CARS we are all motorsport fans. And specialists. We also know the pitfalls and problems in our sport.

We have the scars to prove it. IDEAS+CARS was born with the theory that motorsport needs a new direction. Sponsors can no longer stick a sticker on the side of the car and see the ROI roll in.

We’ve done global driver exchanges, cross promotions with football teams and built the world’s most high profile driver development programme.

But you’ll need something else. IDEAS+CARS will find it with you. And then lets go racing!

“An idea that is not dangerous is unworthy of being called an idea at all.”

Oscar Wilde

Discover, Deliver, Disrupt

Communications in automotive is delivered by those tied up in history, admin, meetings, rigid structures and agency relationships. They are 100% reliant on data and therefore have lost all ability to come up with new, relevant ideas. Meanwhile drivers and fans are part of a new world of communication, where ideas and content are the new commodities. IDEAS+CARS are the antidote to the current status quo and are Best in Class at imagining Bold ideas and delivering them.

All about the idea

IDEAS+CARS deliver value to our partners through bold ideas and delivering those ideas.

We’re not an agency (we like to think we are an ‘un-agency’!) that specialises just in PR or advertising or video production – IDEAS+CARS will work with our partners to decide which of the the many mediums at our disposal are best for for telling the story.

IDEAS+CARS are channel agnostic (big word for “we don’t care as long as it works!).

For IDEAS+CARS its all about the ideas – the totally left field, crazy concepts that stop people in their tracks. It’s the only way to engage with people these days.

First we want to find out your WHY, then we develop the “WHY NOT”.

Not an agency

IDEAS+CARS don’t work on the traditional agency model (we are ‘un-agency’) and you don’t have to pay for a huge tall shiny office tower.

If you are the type of partner who feels more comfortable with an enormous team of account managers, creatives, art directors and consultants to create you’re marketing program – then you probably shouldn’t talk to us.

If you want to talk to a team of like-minded rebels, mutineers, rule-breaking outlaws and lateral thinking mavericks who developed a love for cars long before we were old enough to drive – then let us take the wheel.

We know the product – yes, it’s even in the company name. Our team isn’t crafting campaigns about washing powder one week and then switching into car mode. We’re all about cars, all of the time.

Plays well with others

It’s not about the size of our building, its about the size of our ideas.

IDEAS+CARS brings together a global team of collaborators – all with different skills, all in different time zones – but all with one thing in common. We all love cars, love driving and absolutely love what we do.

We play well with others. IDEAS+CARS either come up with the big idea and hand over the reigns to your team, or tackle the entire project from concept to completion.

“I can see that this programme will become an increasingly important route into motor sport for young people to chase their dream.”

F1 design legend Adrian Newey on GT Academy


Communications in automotive is delivered by those tied up in history, admin, meetings, rigid structures and agency relationships. They are 100% reliant on data and therefore have lost all ability to come up with new, relevant ideas. Meanwhile drivers and fans are part of a new world of communication, where ideas and content are the new commodities. IDEAS+CARS are the antidote to the current status quo and are Best in Class at imagining Bold ideas and delivering them.



IDEAS+CARS will immerse ourselves in your brand and understand your drivers and their passions. Our ideas will always tick these two boxes.


We'll Challenge You

IDEAS+CARS will challenge you to deliver bolder ideas than you ever thought possible and show you how to tell your drivers about your new bold ideas.



IDEAS+CARS will deliver with common sense and uncommon effort and never, ever politic!


We Won't

IDEAS+CARS will not chase our customers for new business and will always remain completely channel agnostic.


Our Promise

IDEAS+CARS will only propose to deliver what we know we can and will provide comprehensive reports on what we achieved.

Our team only works with brands we love, respect and want to help. IDEAS+CARS is hungry to imagine and deliver the boldest ideas in the car world.

Soho or Silverstone?

Soho or Silverstone? Shanghai, Sydney or San Francisco….big world, big ideas! Give us a call, send us a message and lets get together to discuss not just what you are doing but WHY?


+44 7807 145127

1 + 7 =

 The Race Media Ltd, Helios 47, Garforth, Leeds LS25 2DY 

“Why join the navy if you can be a pirate?”

Steve Jobs